Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reflecting on a moral problem ( affirmative action) Essay

Reflecting on a moral problem ( affirmative action) - Essay Example Other countries similarly enlightened adopted the same principles of this affirmative action law but termed it differently, such as â€Å"positive discrimination† in the United Kingdom in which discrimination was given a positive and beneficial connotation or in Canada where it is called as employment equity to mean everybody has equal chances at getting employed if a person has the same qualities, qualifications, credentials, and capabilities as another person. In all these countries, the main idea was to take positive action that will equalize everybody. In reference to the Women's Liberation Movement (or feminism for short), the same laws in principle were adopted and likewise applied to women to have the same opportunities as men. Some countries adopted a different system altogether such as using quotas to allocate a certain number of slots to members of some minority groups. The same idea of affirmative action was soon introduced to schools and universities in admitting s tudents for enrollment. In this paper, it will be argued how procedural affirmative action is the better of the two variants. ... The only remaining criterion for a job applicant is his or her qualifications for the position. In a sense, this first side of affirmative action is negatively stated, that to achieve the noble aims of affirmative action, any employer should ignore the applicant's race, creed, or color. This first side is what is now called as the procedural affirmative action (Cahn 14). On the other hand, the second side is now more nuanced as it carefully takes into its consideration the very things which were supposed to be ignored or not considered such as an applicant's race, creed, or color; the elements which will make affirmative action a success is to embrace the same criteria which were to be ignored or discarded as mentioned earlier. It is now incumbent upon a potential employer to carefully take into consideration the same things like race, creed, or color when evaluating an applicant. This is what is required now by the so-called preferential affirmative action by paying very close atten tion to the same criteria. These two seemingly contradictory aspects of the affirmative action program can be problematic for those desirous to comply with its provisions and objectives although both two aims aspire for the same result of equality in opportunities. The main problem is whether to use the same set of criteria and then whether to grant compensatory advantages to group members of minorities who were discriminated against. This flies in the face of the ideals of affirmative action which is to allow everybody to compete fairly on an equal footing against everybody else. This implies preference for diversity to enrich everybody's experience but the philosophical debate on this issue has

Monday, October 28, 2019

How to Get Good Grades Essay Example for Free

How to Get Good Grades Essay Dont just copy what your teachers write on the board, either: take extensive notes on everything. Notes should be short, and if possible get pens with colored ink because it aids the memory. These notes can help you to remember when you are studying. Review your notes every night, so when the big test comes, remembering what you learned is a snap. Priority You have to prioritize what is the most important.. if go out with your friends or stay at home to study. Stay organized Organizing your things help you remember to bring your supplies and your homework to class and to your house to do your homework or studying. Ask your teacher if you dont understand something You have to evacuate doubts, after class or immediately Asking questions will improve your grades and help your understanding. Plan ahead Always plan the assignment beforehand. Always get the assignment, homework or project finished at least 1 whole day before to deliver it your teacher. It is not a good idea finish the work in class it is not going to be as good as your work in your house. Study Study! Don’t waste time, do your work and take notes. When taking tests, relax If youre, or worried that youll fail the test, youre sure to get a low score. If you studied for it long enough that you know the information, then you shouldnt be worried about getting a low grade. You may have to cut down on happiness and fun in order to succeed. The best students know how to say, No, I cant hang out because I have to study. But remember that it is important to balance out your studies and social life. Consequences If you don’t worry about your grades and don’t push yourself to do the right things,,, it is probably that you drop out†¦ drugs, pregnancy, quarrels with your parents those are only examples that how you can be affected by your grades†¦ and also an important thing it is that in the future you won’t be able to find a good job As we saw through this presentation, we can do a lot of things for improving our grades†¦ it is only a matter of effort†¦ later you are going to see your achievements and you are going to be able to do whatever you want, work in a good company or have your own business. So I hope that you value this information and do the right thing.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Wall :: Creative Writing Essays

The Wall At precisely 10:30 A.M. I got a call from a Mr. Machiano saying that while renovating a palace his men found the bones of what seamed to be a human body. When I got to the scene one of his men showed me to the corps. It had dirty, out-of-date clothes draped upon its remains with a piece a rope beside it. I asked Mr. Machiano how the body was discovered. "My men were knocking down a wall and one of them found a skeleton with a motlry on, and that's when I called you." I asked whom he bought the palace from. "A man I would say in his early eighties, named Montresor." I then left to learn about this person.. I found out that he was living with a cousin right near his old home. I decided to stop by and ask him a few questions hoping he would remember or know something. After about an hour of getting "I do not know. What are you talking about? Please leave." I realized this was a waste of time and decided to go. The next morning I called Mr. Machiano and asked him to meet me at the palace. As I approached the area where the body was found I began to feel a little queasy. I searched the ground around the body hoping to find some clues. I noticed the sparkle of metal pertruding from the ground. I picked it up and saw it was a gold and diamond ID bracelet with the name Montresor inscribed on it. I decided to do a little more research on this man. I went to the station and asked the secretary to show me the file on any person missing for more than 20 years. The list only had about five people on it with a brief description. There was a man by the name of Fortunato on it who has been missing for about 50 years. He was last seen wearing a motley. I then put two and two together and after some investigation, I found out that the remains were indeed Fortunato. Later that afternoon I decided to visit Mrs. Fortunato. She took the news pretty well, she had suspected he was dead. "The last time I saw him was fifty years ago during carnival season." I went back to Montresor's house and told him that next to Fortunato's body was a gold bracelet with his name on it. He still insisted he had had nothing

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Vampires and Vampirism Essay -- exploratory essay research paper

Vampires and Vampirism Missing Works Cited    The vampire of today is most commonly associated with the type that was created by Bram Stoker when Dracula was published in 1897 (Florescu and McNally 221). This popular cultural icon is described by Stoker in his novel: "The teeth were strong and white, and the canine teeth protruded over the lower lip when the mouth was closed. The [vampire's] hands were large and powerful, the nails black and pointed like a bird's talons" (qtd. in Florescu and McNally 227). However popular, the vampire-as-monster theme has not always been the primary way of employing this motif. The vampire of the English Romantics served more as symbol or as a metaphor rather than an actual character that haunted the night, plunging his fangs into the neck of unsuspecting victims to drain them of their life's blood (South 251). Indeed, the use of vampirism symbolically could actually be considered a "stock literary motif" in the nineteenth century (Grudin 52). The themes of sex and violence that are the essence of the vampire serve to expose the sexual and psychological uneasiness that reside deep inside human beings through interaction with these creatures (South 251). This creature is used as an element in nineteenth-century literature as a combination of all of the classic elements that distinguish the vampire from other creatures and to examine human experience. The vampire's English literary life began in 1819, when The Vampyre was published. The author of this novel was John Polidori, Lord Byron's doctor and companion, who finished the idea that Byron had started but never completed. The popularity of this novel resulted in what could be called a "vampire craze" in the 1820s in both English and F... ...e alive by moonlight while others will perish from the light of the sun. Some central similarities that span cultures are the importance of blood, the sexual connotation associated with the relationship between vampire and victim, the rancid odor they emit, the fact that they eat little, if any, food, and perhaps the most disheartening to humans, their inability to die. The central themes of vampire folklore seem to be violence and sexuality (South 246). It is not difficult to relate the penetration of the (usually male) vampire's long fangs into its (usually female) victim and the ensuing ecstasy that results from the consumption of blood with the act of penetration. The vampire/victim relationship may also be seen as one of domination/submission because vampires were seen as power-seeking beings who will seek relationships that satisfy this need (Auerbach 6).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Diverse Nature of Psychology Essay

Psychology has a diverse nature. Diversity describes the diverse nature of the field not diversity in human race. The following paper will define two examples of sub-disciplines of psychology and two theories connected to the sub-disciplines, how these two examples connect with contemporary society other than psychology, relate sub-disciplines to a theoretical perspective, and my psychological contribution to society. Diversity within the field of psychology is strength and a challenge. There are four primary areas which are clinical, counseling, school, and industrial/organizational psychology. Sub-fields exist in these primary areas. Each sub-field has distinct unique theories to help encourage the growth in psychology. A psychologist that offers a broader view when considering theoretical approach in areas, the more understanding they offer their patients or clients. The simple truth is along with diversity comes help for everyone and every problem. According to (Park, N. , & Peterson, C. , 2009) â€Å"one of psychology’s strengths has been its willingness to embrace different purposes, perspectives, and approaches, and this recommendation is in the spirit of the field’s history†. Two sub-disciplines of focus are personality psychology and counseling psychology. Personality psychology is the study of individual’s personalities and what makes people who they are. â€Å"Within personality psychology, some propose that aspects of behavior and cognition can be explained with reference to personality traits. However, certain conceptual and logical issues cast doubt upon the adequacy of traits as coherent explanatory constructs† (Boag, 2011, pg. 223). Two personality theories are five factory theory and trait theory. According to the trait theory, personality is a production of numerous traits combined. Traits are personality characteristics that influence an individual’s behavior. â€Å"McCrae and Costa (1995) define traits as ‘‘dimensions of individual differences in tendencies to show consistent patterns of thoughts, feelings, and action’’ and which ‘‘transcend situational constraints’’† (Bog, 2011, pg. 230). Personality traits can simply be situation, which means that depending on what situation the individual is in can influence their personality. The five factor theory is based on five basic divisions of personality traits which are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. McCrae especially favored this theory simply because it was universal. This theory could fit many individuals regardless of culture or up-bringing. The five factory theory is not only universal, but also has biological origins. The fact that personality psychology can alter depending on situational occurrences is important to remember. Counseling psychology is the sub-discipline where not all individuals go on to become clinical psychology but only counseling psychologists. Counseling psychology focuses on the welling being of individuals by counseling them to reach their full potential as human beings. Counseling psychology also differs from clinical psychology because counseling psychology works towards prevention of symptoms instead of only treatment. â€Å"As a specialty within professional psychology, counseling psychology has a long history of exploring its identity and core values as represented with terms such as scientist–practitioner, vocational/work/career, normal development, diversity, relationships, prevention, strength-based, holism, social justice, and collaborative multidisciplinary practice, and the diversity statement† (Nicholas & Stern, 2011, pg. 332). Two theories connected to clinical psychology are psychoanalytical theory by Sigmund Freud and psychosocial theory by Erik Erickson. Psychoanalytical theory has three main parts which are the id, the ego, and the super ego. â€Å"Psychoanalysis profoundly transformed many traditional perspectives, uncovered the unsuspected initial diversity and wealth of potentialities in human nature, and thereby indeed held out the promise of an infinitely freer and richer development and humanity—provided it could chart the evolution from the relatively unformed state of the infant to the mature adult condition† (Freud and Development, 1985, pg. ). According the Freud the id simply drives the individual’s basic instincts. The ego seeks out to please the desires of the id. The super ego seeks out perfection and is sometimes the mediator between the id and the ego. Psychosocial theory was formed by Erik Erickson and displays the developmental routine of an individual by highlighting seven basic stages. This theory focuses on early development and the influence later on in the individual’s life. Social environment plays a role in an individual’s growth, thoughts, and behaviors. Psychosocial well-being is an important area of attention in early childhood care and education because when psychosocial problems appear, they can often persist past childhood. Based on their working experience with many different children, teachers of young children are aware that they make important contributions to the healthy social and emotional development† (Berkhoult, Dolk, & Goorhuis-Brouwer, 2010, pg. 103). Personality psychology and counseling psychology are tremendous help to social and work life. Personality psychology can help an individual understand the influences on their personality from their up-bringing and social lives. Individuals can offer insight to fellow co workers at their jobs. Understanding personality can help in work environments by encouraging close and trustworthy relationships between employees. Since personality traits are situational, work and social environments will have influences over these traits. Freud’s psychoanalytical theory can help an individual understand their wants and desires in their social and work lives. Psychosocial theory can encourage healing and prevent symptoms from continuing to affect individuals in a negative manner. Psychosocial also explains the individual’s history and what experiences have made them behave in certain ways. The humanistic perspective focuses on individuals meeting their full potential as human beings. This perspective highlights the best image of the person and focuses on the good of a person. â€Å"Over the last few years, counselor training has focused more on formal diagnosis, but this increased focus has been questioned. In the end, the question seems less about whether formal diagnosis will be taught and more about how it will be taught. The author argues that diagnosis should be taught from a social constructionist rather than an objectivist perspective because of the former perspective’s humanistic focus† (McLaughlin, 2006, pg. 165). The humanistic perspective can help in personality psychology and the concepts by offering insight to seeking out the good in an individual’s personality and traits. Personality psychology also gives some insight to the image of an individual simply because personality makes an individual who they are. The humanistic perspective also influences counseling psychology by focusing on the ndividual, the good and the bad. Counseling psychology does not only focus on helping symptoms but also preventing symptoms. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytical theory can connect with humanistic perspective by understanding the id, the ego, and the super ego as defining the individual. The ego is the basic make up of the individual and will influence who the individual becomes. Erik Erickson’s psychosocial theory connects to the humanistic perspective by realizing who the individual is in their social lives. Understanding who an individual is in their personal lives can help focus on the good of the person. My personal psychological contribution comes through my goal to obtain my Masters in Psychology and help individuals addicted to drugs. I form goals and make road maps to accomplish these specific goals. My psychology classes have helped my current relationships in my personal life. I am recently engaged to a man who has three young children experiencing a horrific custody battle between their parents. I am able to offer some comfort and understanding to my fiance on how to handle his children at times. I by no means intrude or impose my ideas on him, but simply offer ignore or take advice. The field of psychology is continuously changing along with the human race. Diversity within the field is an important factor in helping mental health of the human race. There are sub-disciplines and theories to help each and every individual. Personality psychology and counseling psychology link closely together to offer a deep understand of why an individual is who they are. Freud and Erickson formulated beautiful theories that see, understand, and encourage the individuals through their pasts and on to their futures in a positive manner.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Scarlet Ibis Essays

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Scarlet Ibis Essays The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Scarlet Ibis Paper The Secret Life of Walter Mitty and The Scarlet Ibis Paper Even the slightest difference in one’s mental state can lead to the ultimate demisedeath. Throughout literature many characters experience mental disturbance. These conflicts lead to personal issues, which unfortunately leads to the character’s death, mentally or physically. These end results can be expressed in the short stories concerning the characters Walter Mitty and Doodle, both start to realize in their own ways how big the world is and what else there is to be explored. Both experience hardships, and death eventually claims one as its next victim.Walter Mitty from â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter† Mitty and Doodle from â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis† display two completely different archetypes; Walter Mitty exhibits the archetype of an outcast while Doodle displays the characteristics of an innocent scapegoat. However, they both share mental handicaps which causes mental anguish, and having family members that inhibit their dreams. Walter Mitty expresses the archetypal trait of an outcast him himselfnot expressing his true feelings. He has left a deep pit of misery and shame. If someone were to give Walter a free ticket to explore the world realistically as he does in his dreams he just might deny that ticket. Walter does not try to change his life; he seems to of rather just give up and do what he has always done, go along with the flow, do for others and not himself.As Walter Mitty picks Mrs. Mitty up from the salon she starts to taunt him about the â€Å"overshoes† and doggie biscuits; Walter says â€Å"I was thinking, does it ever occur to you that I am sometimes thinking† (Thurber 2). As Doodle having archetypal characteristics of an innocent scapegoat, he lies upon that line of being a pure child. In the story â€Å"The Scarlet Ibis† Doodles life was taken in the midst of a storm instead ofhis brothers. Having such a tragic accident occur on his brothers watch made Doodles troublesom e brother feel sorrow for all the hatr

Monday, October 21, 2019

Strongest Predictors of Marketing Success With Jordan Loftis [PODCAST]

Strongest Predictors of Marketing Success With Jordan Loftis [PODCAST] What separates successful marketers from those who struggle? Have you ever wondered? Finding out is the key to effective marketing. Relying only on anecdotes isn’t effective; you need to have actual data. Today we’re going to dive deeply into the topic with Jordan Loftis, the content marketing strategist here at . Armed with his insights, you’ll be able to make decisions based on what really works and what doesn’t. Get ready to glean the wisdom you know to decide what to do to be most effective! What Jordan does at as the content marketing strategist. Information about the 10x vs 10% framework and how it helps marketers prioritize what to work on next. Why Jordan took on the huge project of surveying 1,600 marketers to compile a report on the state of marketing strategy, as well as some of the findings that surprised Jordan. Why documentation of a marketing strategy is vital to success. What Jordan found out about goal-setting when it comes to marketing, including the â€Å"trifecta† of documentation, goal-setting, and success. How often the most elite marketers conduct research. Jordan’s best advice for marketers: Embrace reality and learn to enjoy being proven wrong. Links: State of Marketing Strategy Report (free download) Joe Pulizzi on documenting your marketing strategy The Power of Habit If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Jordan: â€Å"Our main job is to create the best content on the Internet to help marketers solve problems and just do awesome work all the time.† â€Å"There’s a huge correlation between being successful and documenting your strategy.† â€Å"You can’t just create awesome content you have to create the right kind of awesome content.†

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Literary Terms (Cliche-Inversion) Essay Example

Literary Terms (Cliche Literary Terms (Cliche-Inversion) Paper Literary Terms (Cliche-Inversion) Paper Essay Topic: Poetry Cliche is a word or phrase, often a figure of speech, that has become lifeless because of overuse Colloquialism a word or phrase in everyday use in conversation and informal writing but is inappropriate for formal situations Comic Relief the use of a comic scene to interrupt a series of intense dramatic moments Conflict the struggle between opposing forces or characters in a story External Conflict conflicts can exist between two people, between a person and nature or a machine, or between a person and a whole society Internal Conflict a conflict can be internal, involving opposing forces within a persons mind Connotation the associations and emotional overtones that have become attached to a word or phrase, in addition to its strict dictionary definition Consonance repetition of internal or ending consonant sounds of words close together in poetry Deus Ex Machina improbable resolution involving the intervention of some outside force Denotation literal dictionary definition of a word Dialect a way of speaking that is characteristic of a certain social group or of the inhabitants of a certain geographical area Diction a speaker or writers choice of words Explication act of interpreting or discovering the meaning of a text, usually involves close reading and special attention to figurative language Euphemism word consciously chosen for its pleasant connotations passed away instead of died Fable a very short story told in prose or poetry that teaches a practical lesson about how to succeed in life Farce a type of comedy in which ridiculous and often stereotyped characters are involved in silly, far-fetched sitiuations Figurative Language words which are inaccurate if interpreted literally, but are used to describe. Similes and metaphors are common forms Flashback a scene that interrupts the normal chronological sequence of events in a story to depict something that happened at an earlier time Foil a character who acts as a contrast to another character. Often a funny side kick to the dashing hero, or a villain contrasting the hero Foreshadowing the use of hints and clues to suggest what will happen later in a plot Hamartia tragic flaw which causes a characters downfall Hyperbole a figure of speech that uses an incredible exaggeration or overstatement, for effect Hubris tragic flaw of overwhelming pride Idiom an expression whose meaning is not understood from the literal translation it is raining cats and dogs Imagery the use of language to evoke a picture or a concrete sensation of a person, a thing, a place, or an experience In Media Res beginning in the middle of the action Inversion the reversal of the normal word order in a sentence or phrase

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) - Essay Example However lending has an interest rate attached to it. In the open market, it is also assumed that traders have all relevant information rates of stocks and other co-variances. Traders in an open market are also assumed to be rationale about being risk averse and all investors have same assets to choose from given all information concerning the assets and same decision methods are applied (Burton, 1998). This brings us to the concept of the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). The model is very useful and is widely used in the industry, although it is based on very strong assumptions. This paper will focus on brief theory of arbitrage theory of the CAPM model, main theories behind this model and their critique. First, the model is quite useful as it focuses on determining the required rate of return appropriate for a company’s assets. The model requires various firms to have a portfolio that is well diversified, as long as the risks prone to the assets cannot be diversified (Brealey, et al 2009). Practically, most companies utilize CAPM model to determine the price of a security or a portfolio. In this case, a security market line that defines the relationship existing between the beta and expected rate of return of an asset is utilized. The line also enables firms to calculate a ratio that equates an asset’s rewards to its risks. It is also through the model that firms are able to determine the rate at which an asset’s cash inflows expected to be generated in future should be discounted. This takes into account the cash inflows in relation to the risks existing in the market. The arbitrage model was an alternative to the means variance capital asset pricing. Currently, the model has become a crucial tool in explaining the phenomenon mostly observed in the capital markets that deal with risky assets. One assumption of the capital asset pricing model is the assumption of normality in returns. It is from this assumption that the linear elation stipulated above originates. The assumption has had critique since theoretically, there does not exist guarantee to such efficiency. However, there is restrictiveness that underlie the mean variance model; therefore being the evidence of the existence of the linear relationship between risks and returns. This led to the popularity of the model. It was until later that Ross introduced a new model that would yield better results when pricing risky assets. The arbitrage model would hold both in equilibrium and all sorts of disequilibria unlike the mean variance analysis. However, there are some weaknesses in relation to this theory. For instance, when dealing with the number of assets, as assets increase, their r eturns are also expected to increase. This will result to an increase in risk aversion to investors. The arbitrage model has the law of large numbers where the noise term becomes negligible as the number of assets expands. Where the degree of risk aversion increases with the increase in the number of assets, the two effects cancels out, leaving the noise term to have a persistent effect on the pricing decision. In developing the arbitrage theory, several assumptions were put into consideration. First is the assumption of limitations on liability. It is assumed that there exists at least one asset which has a limited liability. This means that there are some bound per unit to the losses for which an investor is liable. The second assumption was based on the homogeneity of expectations. All the investors hold the same expectations, since all have the same assets, information and are risk averse. There also exists at least o

Friday, October 18, 2019

Financial Statement Fraud Investigations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Statement Fraud Investigations - Essay Example The inventories were shared between the various stores of the company to boost sales. Various external vendors were arranged to ship merchandises of the company claiming fake discounts. Loads of merchandises were sold to wholesalers and then the receipts were spread to individual stores of the company. This illegal money was entered and circulated between the Antar family and was parked into undisclosed foreign bank accounts. The initial reports suggest that when Crazy Eddie went public about twenty years ago, its shares were traded at $8. The company’s shares have inflated 10 times during the years due to manipulation of accounts. By showing fake sales, misrepresented inventories, doctoring and window dressing financial statements, the company was able to hide its true picture of financial position from the public. Thus, the company’s stocks looked more attractive from outside than it actually was. The sales of the company never fell since the merchandises circulated b etween the various stores and was treated as revenues. Such fraudulent practices helped Crazy Eddie to maintain a healthy double-digit growth and consequently inflated the company’s share prices. ... Due to this, the creditors got the impression that the company’s demand was unmatched and hence they extended the credit period. The payments of actual sales were made in installments. Each installment of a particular sale was treated as individual sales. The sharing of inventories between some forty stores helped the company conceal true facts. The scope of Examination Financial statement frauds challenges the integrity and corporate social responsibility of companies. These frauds may be malpractices in the form of intentional misrepresentation, alteration of financial reports, falsification, doctoring business documents and business transactions, deliberate window dressing and misapplication of accounting policies, inflating sales and inventories, bribes, fictitious revenues, over or understatements in financial statements, and so on. The financial statement fraud examination aims to implement integrity and CSR in all companies by encouraging transparent, reliable, and inve stor-friendly financial statement. Financial statement examination justifies the concept of audits and establishes the confidence of society as well as all market participants. It tries to make the capital market more efficient by providing perfect information for all participants. Financial scandals not only ruin the repute of the company, it might also create negative sentiments in capital markets, affects the nation’s economic growth and prosperity. It gives the culprits one more chance to plead guilty and rectify accounting practices and malpractices. Fraud examination can help protect the company’s minority shareholders’ from potential bankruptcy or substantial economic loses.  

Planet of the Apes Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Planet of the Apes - Coursework Example These fossils suggest that two Eurasian ape lineages, the Siyapithecus and the Dryopithecus, are the ancestors of great apes and humans. The Siyapithecus are the presumably the forebears of the orangutan. The Dryopithecus are the ancestors of the African apes and humans. Unlike in Africa, full fossils of primates in Eurasia are not as abundant. The fossils of primates in Eurasia are mostly mandibles, teeth, and partial bone fragments. The first fossil primate found and named was Adapis parisiensis Cuvier 1822. This was a lemur found from the chalk mines of Paris. Cuvier, because of the mistaken belief that human origin came from Africa, thought his find was an ungulate. It was not until after Cuvier’s death that his student, Édouard Lartet, identified this first fossil as a higher primate. The Adapis parisiensis is now know as Pliopithecus. The Pliopithecus is a jaw. This and other evidence has convinced the skeptical scholars that these higher primates had once lived in Europe. The first fossil great ape, Dryopithecus, from the French Pyrà ©nà ©es was discovered in 1872. Many more ape jaws and teeth fragments, along with a few limb bones were found all over Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries. These fossils suggest that two Euras ian ape lineages, the Siyapithecus and the Dryopithecus, are the ancestors of great apes and humans. A primitive ape and great ape’s differences began with their body size. A primitive ape is smaller than a great ape. A primitive ape had a body shaped like a monkey. This allowed treetop traveling, using all four limbs. With a long lower back, a flexible back, and a deep rib cage, treetop traveling was easy. Power and speed was enabled by flexible elbow, shoulder, and hip joints. These joints kept the limbs under the body. The arms and legs on a primitive ape were the same size. On the other hand, great apes were built to hang and swing from branch to branch. The

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dialogue of Civilizations and Modern Science Essay

Dialogue of Civilizations and Modern Science - Essay Example Those who hold this view argue that dialogue of civilizations from Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa is what led to the birth of modern science. One of the prominent scholars who hold this view is Noah Efron. Noah Efron, in his â€Å"That Christianity Gave Birth to Modern Science† in Galileo Goes to Jail, says that a dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Numbers, 2009). This paper will discuss how a dialogue of civilizations really led to the birth of modern science. In addition, it will discuss what the relationship between science and religion in the Africa, Middle East, and Asia tell us about the subsequent history of the dialogue of civilizations and modern science. Critical examination by a number of prominent historians, philosophers, and scientists on the grand question of the birth or genesis of modern science have often indicated that modern science was a product of a dialogue of civilizations from many parts of the world (Brooke and Number s, 2011). There is a consensus among most of them that different cultures and civilizations is what contributed to the birth and development of modern science. ... Besides, while these views tend to acknowledge that there were developments and inventions in other civilizations that might have led to birth of modern science, they fail to acknowledge them as being critical to the birth and development of modern science (Harrison, 2010). Those holding Eurocentric views on this subject argue that modern science would not have developed in any other culture because of the absence of cultural factors that were present in Europe such as the Greek heritage, Roman concept of law, or the Christian religion (Numbers, 2009). History of science is awash with evidence of critical and unique developments and inventions that were achieved by Chinese, Arab, Indian, and Egyptian civilizations that serve to show how dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Horton, 1997). The inventions and developments by these civilizations have had huge influence on the findings that scientists made throughout the birth and rise of modern science. The combi nation of these civilizations and European civilizations brought enormous achievements in science. Even those who argue that European civilization was the main contributing factor to the birth of science also agree that European scientists integrated discoveries across different civilizations in order to create and subsequently develop modern science (Brooke and Numbers, 2011). This point of view by those holding Eurocentric view regarding the birth of science is in itself a strong proof of how a dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Harrison, 2010). Great findings and discoveries in various civilizations at different periods in history encouraged and guided the scientific

Proposal GM aquiring Ford Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

GM aquiring Ford - Thesis Proposal Example This will reduce the risks and uncertainties that have been facing the organization (Sherman, 2010). Acquisition of Ford will involve acquiring all machinery, human resource and premises etc. acquiring the human resource will play a great role in incorporating new ideas to the organization an aspect that will help the company face different challenges that are being experienced in the market. In addition, the company will benefit with a new culture thereby change the old existing culture of dependence on leaders to come up with new ideas (Sherman, 2010). Acquisition of Ford will expand the source of revenue. The two companies will expand the level of production an aspect that will help the company position itself strategically in the market. In addition, the company will have enough personnel to distribute and maintain a close relationship with the customer. Lastly, acquisition of the new company will diversify the market. This move will play a great role for the company to segment the market by using different products according to customer needs and requirements (Sherman,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dialogue of Civilizations and Modern Science Essay

Dialogue of Civilizations and Modern Science - Essay Example Those who hold this view argue that dialogue of civilizations from Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa is what led to the birth of modern science. One of the prominent scholars who hold this view is Noah Efron. Noah Efron, in his â€Å"That Christianity Gave Birth to Modern Science† in Galileo Goes to Jail, says that a dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Numbers, 2009). This paper will discuss how a dialogue of civilizations really led to the birth of modern science. In addition, it will discuss what the relationship between science and religion in the Africa, Middle East, and Asia tell us about the subsequent history of the dialogue of civilizations and modern science. Critical examination by a number of prominent historians, philosophers, and scientists on the grand question of the birth or genesis of modern science have often indicated that modern science was a product of a dialogue of civilizations from many parts of the world (Brooke and Number s, 2011). There is a consensus among most of them that different cultures and civilizations is what contributed to the birth and development of modern science. ... Besides, while these views tend to acknowledge that there were developments and inventions in other civilizations that might have led to birth of modern science, they fail to acknowledge them as being critical to the birth and development of modern science (Harrison, 2010). Those holding Eurocentric views on this subject argue that modern science would not have developed in any other culture because of the absence of cultural factors that were present in Europe such as the Greek heritage, Roman concept of law, or the Christian religion (Numbers, 2009). History of science is awash with evidence of critical and unique developments and inventions that were achieved by Chinese, Arab, Indian, and Egyptian civilizations that serve to show how dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Horton, 1997). The inventions and developments by these civilizations have had huge influence on the findings that scientists made throughout the birth and rise of modern science. The combi nation of these civilizations and European civilizations brought enormous achievements in science. Even those who argue that European civilization was the main contributing factor to the birth of science also agree that European scientists integrated discoveries across different civilizations in order to create and subsequently develop modern science (Brooke and Numbers, 2011). This point of view by those holding Eurocentric view regarding the birth of science is in itself a strong proof of how a dialogue of civilizations led to the birth of modern science (Harrison, 2010). Great findings and discoveries in various civilizations at different periods in history encouraged and guided the scientific

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Article Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review - Article Example It is observed that once adults start to learn a language they easily grasp those words which are similar to their language to which they can easily relate too. For example, helicopterowhich is in Spanish and helicopter in English are cognates of each other therefore a Spanish child can easily relate to it.These are known as cross-linguistic cognates. There are also certain cognates which have the same meaning but not the same form. Cognates are easy to comprehend as an individual has a very vague idea about it and can join the dots in order to make a complete picture. "When two languages are close, learners will have access to a large number of cognate words" (Ellis, 1999). A lot of researches in the past are based on cognates and how easily one can understand them as a new language learner as compared to words which are not cognates. Cognates act like a stimuli reinforcing and making understanding easier. At times cognates can be semantically quite like each other, there can be res trictions because of grammar found in one language but not the other which can arouse problems occasionally (Odlin, 1989) . The purpose of this study was to understand whether these cognates act as a potential tool for language learning in Early Language Learners (ELL). The authors view on bilingual is that learning languages is essential and just to make it easier and comprehendible cognates are used. Learning English language is essential therefore emphasis is given on considering it as a second language. The author supports his position by providing examples from previous researches andwork done on the same content taking it a step forward. In order to understanding the effect of cognates in (ELL's) various methods were adopted such as research based questions, participation and features of the language. In this the children were allowed to determine and comprehend cognates with their own estimation independently or with certain support depending on his/her caliber. Initially the re wasn’t any drastic difference but gradually they showed improvement with cognates over noncognates. Different techniques were used such as visual and memory aid, age bar, phonological overlapping between the word and its cognate and the prior knowledge of the word. Direct strategy training was used for maximum benefit of 5th grade (ELL). Receptive and expressive help to develop the proficiency in language as well as the pathology of speech and language. Although there wasn’t any study that targeted the cognate status of language which are developing. It was observed that on cognate language of English the bilinguals performed better than the monolinguals but when it came to noncognates both were equal in performance. Statistics were used in order to show the cognate and noncognate items. It was deduced that Spanish students who were ELL did not merely benefit from L1 or L2 on test which were based on receptive vocabulary. An important issue in the methodology that a rises while using the PPVT is item difficulty. Lastly, it was investigated how fast and precisely children knowing only one language i.e. English could match Spanish words to one of the two pictures. This exercise was performed irrespective of language impairment. It was observed that phonological overlap effected performance and language impairment proved to be beneficial. Earlier nonverbal cognate effects were not considered but now

Adam Bede Essay Example for Free

Adam Bede Essay George Eliot s novels are all dramas of moral conflict. She did not believe in art for arts sake, but in art for moralitys sake. According to Leslie Stephen, George Eliot believed that a work-of art not only may. but must, exercise also an ethical influence. She believed that, our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. If we yield to temptation and sin, suffering and nemesis are sure to follow. We have to reap the consequences of our own actions. Her characters suffer because they violate some moral code, because they yield to temptation whether consciously or unconsciously, in Adam Bede both Hetty and Arthur suffer for this reason. Poignant tragedy is the result because both Arthur and Hetty are creatures of weak moral fibre. They are unable to resist temptation. This moral weakness results in sin, which is followed by punishment and intense suffering. Arthur-Hetty story traces the movement from weakness to sin and from sin to nemesis. Stratagems of Passion The stratagems of passion are seen with illuminating c1arrty when Arthur, after luncheon, is unable to recall the feelings and reflections which had been decisive in his decision to avoid Hetty. We are told of his conscious thoughts, and the self-deceptions and distortions of truth that we see in them make, so to speak, a chart of the subconscious force of his impulse to see her-as a strong underwater current, showing nosing on the surface, is yet known to be present by the extent to which its pull on the keel of a ship alters its course. It is in such accounts of motives, conscious and unconscious, that Arthur is created and exists as a character in the novel. Our recognition of his good intentions, self-deceptions and weaknesses of will make the portrayal real and acceptable to us. Maturity through Love We are not permitted to see the process by which Dinah is enabled to . overcome her fear, and it is a serious flaw in the novel that it is so. All, we learn is that having been told by Adam of his love for her and having admitted in turn a love for him, Oinah once more retreats to Stonyshire, not staying even long enough to participate in the Harvest Supper. Adam, after waiting for several weeks, is no longer able to endure the strain and sets out for Stonyshire to find her. As he leaves the Loamshire world and enters gray treeless Stonyshire, he is reminded of the painful past, but in an altered light~ for now he possesses what George Eliot calls a sense of enlarged being, the consequences of thtt ruller life brought about by his suffering. He sees Stonyshire now through Dinahs eyes, as it were, and ifhis vision includes the barren land, it also includes the wonderful flooding light and the large embracing sky. Adam waits for Dinah to return from her Sunday preaching not at her home, but on a hill top. Here, in the midst of her world, he discovers that Dnah has undergone a change, the power of her love for him has in a sense overcome her fears; she feels like cl divided person without him, and she is willing †¢to become his wife. He, therefore, takes her back to Loamshire whence she had so fled. It is not, however, to the green and golden world of. June with which the book began; rather to an autumnal mature world. Here, on a rimy morning in departing November, when there is a tinge of sadness in the weather as well as in the joy which accompanies the wedding, Adam and Dinah are married. it is in the fitness of things that they should so come together, for they are bound to either by their common suffering for Hetty and by their painful memories, suffering gives rise to sympathy, and love based on such sympathy alone can be fruitful and lasting. Critic after critic has expressed the view that Adam is too good to be true. It has been said that he is a perfect human being, George Eliots ideal, fully mature and enlightened from the very beginning. But the truth is otherwise. A moment’s reflection shows that he is proud, hard and self-righteous with little sympathy for ordinary sinners, which we all poor mortals are. As a matter of fact, the novel traces the process by which he gradually sheds his faultsof his education, enlightenment and maturity, through a process of suffering and love-and becomes ultimately a complete man, a fully integrated personality, through his love of Dinah and his marriage with her. The process of his education occupies the centre of the novel. The point would become clear, if we briefly consider this process. Hard and Self-righteous There can be no denying the fact that Adam is hard and self-righteous. In the very chapter we are told,† The idle tramps always felt sure they could get a copper from Seth; they scarcely ever spoken to Adam. This is the flaw (not a fatal one) in Adams innocence: In fact, Adam is a stone-hearted person at the very beginning. The very fault in him lies in his over-confidence which makes him to think that he is righteous and it is not wrong in any way. This is told to us by the hymns he sings and the ending with the same hymn is not only appropriate but it also gives him the impression how much significant the hyn1n is? He does not harm anybody, knowingly. Not for a single moment he thinks when he hurts anybody. He is much confident about his doings, Ive seen pretty clear, ever since I could cast up a sum, as you can never do whats wrong without breeding sin and trouble more than you can ever seen. His confidence is shaken when he catches his friend red handed while making love with his beloved Hett}, in the woods. He realises his mistakes, how incomplete his mental seeing has been! He understood it all now-the locket, and everything else that had been doubtful to him a terrible scorching light showed him the hidden letters that changed the meaning of the past. Here starts the process of his education and self-realisation. Realities of Midlands’ Life: George Eliots novels reveal the very aspects of the English Midlands, more specially Warwickshire and Coventry. The†¢ beauty of these Midlands plains caught the attraction of her eyes and these plains found their setting in her novels. Quite a feature of the scenery-and indeed of Warwickshire generally is that the hedges are everywhere closely painted with trees, whose height, as well as the riotous wastefulness of the hedgerose, give evidence of a kindly soil and climate. Methodic Themes: Written by Feuerbach, The Essence of Christianity was translated into English by George Eliot. The influence of Feuerbach can be seen in George Eliot, in her works. In the above mentioned book, Feuerbach talks about the religious significance of water, wine and bread. All of three are sacred for him. The reason for the sacredness of water lies in the fact that it isa force of nature and it keeps us reminding that we have our origins in nature, the same origin of other lower creatures. Thus necessity of water symbolises our oneness with nature and Baptism as well. Wine and bread are man made things which look towards nature for the raw-material, thus symbolises that man is much superior to other lower creatures who are not so efficient to modify natural things. In the Christian ritual of Baptism, only water is used, for innocent and pure-hefirted childr~n. Whereas for the mature man, the Lords supper which includes wine and bread, is served. It suggests that man is much above animals. If the man is hungry and thirsty, he will no more remain a human being and taking of bread and wine restores him to his humanity. This truth is revealed to us through three suppers which is taken by Adam and his humanity kept ever-present in him. References Eliot. George. Adam Bede. New York: Penguin. 1996. Greegor. G. R. George Eliot: a collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. , Prentice Hall. 1970. Ian Adam.Character and Destiny in George Eliots Fiction. Nineteenth-Century Fiction. University of California Press 1965. 127-143 Jones, Robert Tudor A critical commentary on George Eliots Adam Bede. London: Macmillan. 1968. Levine. G. L The Cambridge companion to George Eliot. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pletzen, E Van. Eliots Adam Bede. The Explicator. 56, no. 1, (1997): 23. Thale, Jerome. The novels of George Eliot. New York, Columbia University Press, 1959. Watt, Ian P. The Victorian novel; modern essays in criticism. London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1971.

Monday, October 14, 2019

An Introduction To Theological Reflection

An Introduction To Theological Reflection Stephen Pattison article entitled Some Straw for the Brick: A Basic Introduction to Theological Reflection introduces a model of theological reflection called critical conversation. In this model the conversation is between three parties, namely the students own faith presuppositions, the particular situation/context being looked at and the Christian tradition. Pattison is by no means suggesting that the critical conversation model is the only model of theological reflection. He has chosen it because its derived from others forms of theological reflection and lists seven advantages to it. ( pg. 139). According to Pattison, purpose of this model of theological reflection according is to help people think through and analyse their own experiences, the issues and the situations that they face and in so doing the practical theology gets underway. As far as Pattison is concerned the critical conversation has more to do with asking the right questions than arriving at the right answers. He also appears to suggest that theological reflection has less to do with academic ability than with inventiveness and imagination, creativity that seeks to discern patterns in a particular situation. Why critical reflection one might ask? Pattisons answer to that question is as follows: a). It helps us to bring about an understanding of human and religious experience in contemporary society whether superficial or complex. He suggests that, more complex the situation, require a depth in the conversation by drawing resources from other secular knowledge base, i.e. or Christian theology. b). It connects belief and practice to everyday life. c). Prevent people from making false assumptions. d). Helps one to grow deeper in faith and appreciation of theology. Theological reflection must become the filter of the ministry of the church. Critical reflection serves as a critical tool for the purposes of practical theology It is active enquiry, .dynamic, deep searching and open ended. Not intended to produce universally acclaimed answers by everyone and in every places in all cases. Theological reflection should not be seen as relevant to all people in all situations because of the different contexts. It is worth pointing out that theological reflection undertaken by individuals may well reveal more about the person and their perspective than it does about a secular situation or Christian theological tradition. To avoid that Pattison recommends that individuals be self-critical when doing theological reflection on their own. Theological reflection should be done as a group exercise instead. Helen Cameron illustrates the importance of this through her group work with TAP. Clearly this important point is articulated by all the other writers whose work form part of this review. Theological reflection in group setting is conducive to a deep and enhanced critical conversation likely to produce à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Any enquiry must aim at enriching the individual but crucially must be for the benefit of the Christian community. Such an outcome is bound to give new meaning and new orientation to the ministry of the church as has been the case throughout the churchs history. The weakness of this model of theological reflection is that it can be too subjective as it appeals to peoples particular theological bias, temperament and cultural leaning. Relativism, idiosyncratic are.. mutually interrogative method can lead to further questions, does not provide eternally valid answers which can be applied to everyday life. Asking questions and engaging in critical conversation is not an adequate way of conceiving theological reflection. Pg. 142 (limitations) Also the conversation may no be academic enough. One other criticism to be said about Pattisons model of theological reflection is that it assumes everyone can do it. The fact of the matter is not everyone has the skill Ballard page 2. Elaine Graham Elaine Graham etal recognises that the subject of theological reflection has been research extensively resulting in the production of numerous publications. However for her and fellow writers their article entitled Method or Mystique in Theological Reflection: Methods offers a challenge to the vague manner theological reflection is viewed. They point to the fact received understanding of theological understanding are largely under- theorised and narrow, and too often fail to connect adequately with biblical, historical and systematic scholarship (pg.1). As such they aim to help the reader engage in patterns of theological reflection that are richer in the source they draw on more rigorous and more imaginative. Their introductory chapter gives a history outline of the discourse. We have an account, of understanding practical/pastoral theology as a discipline concerned with practical training which is broader and understands theology as critical reflection in a variety of settings. Graham etal, sites Donald Scon who argues for a shift from theoretical knowledge, technical rationality and scientific precision which is all theoretically and not practically based consequently eroding public trust of experts. According to them, professional knowledge of expertise is only acquired in a particular context or situation that is implicit and problem based. Furthermore the learning takes place by responding with flexibility to situations, willingness to be a proactive learner and risk taking. (pg. 4) This view that knowledge comes by experience is also shared by Kolb in his book on model of experimental learning. (pg. 5) As such theology ought to be understood as a process rather than product. Christi an practice, alongside systematic biblical and historical theology is crucial to theological reflection. In their view such engagement with these traditional Christian resources is weak. It is to this interrelated problem of traditional Christian resources that Theological Reflection: Methods reverts. My third article for review is entitled Characteristics of Theological Action Research by Helen Cameron etal. The article comes from the book written by her and others called Talking about God in Practice. In it a methodology of research called Theological Action Research is introduced. TAR is a brain child of Action Research Church and Society made up of two teams that are ecumenical and interdisciplinary chosen. The team members are all theological practioners and researchers, made up of a team from Heythrop and the other team from outside. ARCS objectives are realised when dialogue goes on in each team and also across the teams. The teams demonstrate willingness to share good practice and ideas of theological research between teams. As a model TAR has four stages called a cycle of theological reflection and are the following; experience, reflection, learning and action. The methodology require that each stage of the cycle is carefully examined and documented using its action research process and social sciences methods of collecting data. Theology plays a key part in all the stages of the practice right from the beginning to the very end. That also includes the shared reflections of the practitionrs and researchers. We can conclude that the lessons learnt are the following: Theological reflection and theology is directed at life situations in every human experience whether be a believer, church community including those who confess to be atheists. According to Metz, as he made reference to Karl Rahners a critical observation of Vatican II. God is a universal theme, a theme concerning all humanity or it is simple no theme at all. (pg 57 M.K). Rahners ascertion is an attempt to address an abserd belief which was sectarian and excluded others in taking part the faith dialogue/God. It is also true to say that when theology becomes self-absorbed by ignoring the worlds reality of human suffering, poverty injustice etc. it loses its purpose. The theological reflection model looked at in this review appear narrowly focused atà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. with a particular racial group, principally white European and middle class. We live in a diverse à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.. The church is a reflection of society that is multicultural, ethnic Robert Kinast in his article on the subject makes the same point that theological reflection is a threefold movement, which begins with the lived experience,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Jane Eyre :: essays papers

Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, is the story of Jane, an orphan girl with a harsh upbringing. During a time when women were condemned for learning more than custom pronounced necessary, Jane becomes educated intellectually, socially, and spiritually. In the course of growing up she travels to many places as she battles to learn more about herself and about the world. In the following paragraphs you’ll see how Bronte establishes that money and power do not make a person. Mrs. Reed, Mr. Rochester, and Mr. Brocklehurst all reflect this, they are not nice or perfectly content people. She demonstrates that general education is more important than wealth. The story begins at the Reed’s residence at Gateshead Hall. Jane is excluded from the Reed’s activities so she tries to educate herself by reading books. Soon enough though, John Reed finds her, takes away the book and strikes her with it. â€Å"You are like a slave-driver† (Bronte: 43), cries Jane. In this passage Jane compares John with a slave-driver because like one, John deprives her of her endeavor to educate herself and keeps her suppressed. In the boarding school for orphaned girls called Lowood, Jane sees that movement towards progress and knowledge is retained. Mr. Brocklehurst, the director of Lowood, wants the girls to â€Å"clothe themselves with shamefacedness and sobriety, not with braided hair and costly apparel† (Bronte: 96). So he doesn’t allow for girls to be dressed neatly or with curls in their hair because to him that’s a sin of showing off. His goal it seems is not to truly educate this girls for their own improveme nt, but merely to educate them to serve the wealthy. In spite of many hardships, Jane manages to graduate and becomes a governess under Mr. Rochester’s employment. Mr. Brocklehurst’s influence on Jane to be plain, to be an underclass to serve becomes more apparent when Jane thinks, â€Å"is it likely he (Mr. Rochester) would waste a serious thought on this indigent and insignificant plebeian?† (Bronte: 191). Having no money or a house of her own, she considers herself inferior and unlikely that Mr. Rochester, being a man of power and class, would ever lay eyes on her. When Jane leaves Thornfield after she finds out that Mr. Rochester is married, she decides that it’s better to be a schoolmistress, honest and free, than to stay and become a slave full of remorse and shame.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lorraine Hansberrys A Raisin In The Sun Essays -- essays papers

A Raisin in the Sun In A Raisin in the Sun, Hansberry portrays obstacles that the Younger family and other African Americans had to face and over come during the post World War 2 era. Obstacles that had to be over come by the Youngers were economical, moral, social, and racist obstacles. Lorraine Hansberry, the author of the play had to face one of these as well growing up. Born in Chicago on the south side in an all black neighborhood, Lorraine Hansberry and her family had to deal with segregation. Moving to a white neighborhood in Chicago, her family had to deal with threats of violence and legal action. Her father defended the case successfully all the way to the Supreme Court.(sparknotes1) Her parents were well known in national black culture and political circles, which probably sparked her to latter become a reporter and editor for the Freedom, a black newspaper in New York from 1950-53. Hansberry relates her life situations through her play by having the Younger family deal with a similar circumstance. In the play Lena Younger or better known as mama, receives a 10,000-dollar check because her husband had past away. She decides to buy a house in Clybourne Park, which is an all white neighborhood. After finding out a black family is moving to Clybourne the so-called Organization Committee sends out a Mr. Lindner to welcome the Youngers. He d...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Health Care Communication Methods

Health Care Communication Methods 1 Health Care Communication Methods Edilia Ramos HCS/320 August 27, 2012 Kim Foster Health Care Communication Methods 2A communications coordinator is known as a marketing professional that coordinates organizations both internally and externally. This type of occupation is a key role in an organizations reputation with the employees and within the general public. Communications coordinator may work directly for an organization or for an agency that may specialize in public relations or marketing. Health Care Communication Methods 3There are advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic, and social media for health care communication. Social media these days can raise awareness, and increase knowledge of an issue. Traditional communication and social media may not be able to meet all of the communication goals that are being addressed, or be able to target all of the audience’s needs that are being requested. Due to the recent outbreak of negative side effects that have been reported to the national drug manufacturer there are several ways that I will reach out to the media in reference to the situation at hand.There are traditional, electronic, and social media forms of communication all at each will be provided the proper information as to what has been done to correct the problem that has been brought forward. The modern mass of communication would include the newspaper, radio, television, and telephones which would be the first to be told of the situation and what is going to be done to fix the reports of the negative side effects that have been reported.Traditional communication has come a long way from story-telling, myths, and carvings on monuments to the middle ages in which came the radio, and then onto the internet. Due to the severity of this situation and the importance that needs to be sent out in a timely manner, I am first going to call the television reporting stations within the local are as first seeing that everyone watches their tv’s and that would be the fastest way to get this information out to the public next to the newspaper company, and radio stations that would follow.Health Care Communication Methods 4 The information that was provided to the national drug manufacturer and the effects that have been brought forward are very important to us and the reputation of the company along with the health of the many American’s that take this product. The advantages of traditional, electronic, and social media have enabled us in so many new methods of communicating all in one in which technology has integrated mobile phones with internet, television, email, and text messaging all in one.These are some of the advantages that have derived from the advanced technology in communication, and are of the easiest forms of communication that is able to be seen and viewed by many people all over the world. Electronic communication is also one of the easiest ways to communicate because it lets you combine numerous media text, graphics, sound, and video all into one message. With the internet you are given the ability to transmit and receive large messages of information to and from individuals along with workgroups quickly and in a timely manner.Social media has become world- wide within today’s society and is the most commonly used websites that people are using frequently today and they include twitter, google, myspace, and the infamous facebook that is being used by people of all ages. This new era brings pros and opportunities seeing that in the past you had numbers of or contacts of how people generally got ahold of you, and today with the large part of social media here are many different levels of communication each with a specific purpose. Only you are able to limit the people that know and have your information Health Care Communication Methods 5 and can see what you post on any profile. Therefore social media has made it eas y for the national drug manufacturer to be able to become a social media website and post and information that is needed and wanted by its viewers.In this case this type of communication has many pros in the way it can send out information to people all over, targets a wide audience, effective recruitment tool, facilitates open communication, and you are able to deliver communication to the specific person it is intended for. The disadvantages of electronic, and social media is that it increases the risk online scams that seem real, possibility of hackers committing fraud , and negative comments that can be seen about the company in which they may not be true.It has become more popular to receive a telephone call, or a text message verifying an appointment or a prescription pickup and if a person has changed their telephone number or even their email address someone else is going to receive that information that belongs to another person and that could contain some personal informat ion in which the HIPAA regulation comes into effect.HIPAA also known as the health insurance portability and accountability act went into effect April of 2003 in which the purpose is to protect the patient’s privacy pertaining to their individual health information. HIPAA gives the patient the right to obtain copies of their medical records so that they are able to go over the information on it and correct any errors that they may find. â€Å"All healthcare providers are required to comply with the HIPAA privacy rule. The basic requirement of this rule is that a covered entity may onlyHealth Care Communication Methods 6 use or disclose an individual’s protected health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations or other noted exception’s as permitted or required by the rule. †(www. courseslearningsomething. com/script2) â€Å"HIPAA imposes the following limits on the situations in which employer group health plans may have preexisting c ondition exclusions and the length of time that such exclusions apply†(HIPAA and other laws, chapter 10, pg. 2) A list of pros and cons have been listed and described in the areas of communication related to traditional, electronic, and social media. In any event the privacy of the patient or individuals that may be involved will be kept according to the HIPAA law that prevents such information being given out. Health Care Communication Methods 7 REFERENCES HIPAA and other laws, chapter 10, pg. 12 www. courseslearningsomething. com/script2 Health Care Communication Methods Health Care Communication Methods 1 Health Care Communication Methods Edilia Ramos HCS/320 August 27, 2012 Kim Foster Health Care Communication Methods 2A communications coordinator is known as a marketing professional that coordinates organizations both internally and externally. This type of occupation is a key role in an organizations reputation with the employees and within the general public. Communications coordinator may work directly for an organization or for an agency that may specialize in public relations or marketing. Health Care Communication Methods 3There are advantages and disadvantages of using traditional, electronic, and social media for health care communication. Social media these days can raise awareness, and increase knowledge of an issue. Traditional communication and social media may not be able to meet all of the communication goals that are being addressed, or be able to target all of the audience’s needs that are being requested. Due to the recent outbreak of negative side effects that have been reported to the national drug manufacturer there are several ways that I will reach out to the media in reference to the situation at hand.There are traditional, electronic, and social media forms of communication all at each will be provided the proper information as to what has been done to correct the problem that has been brought forward. The modern mass of communication would include the newspaper, radio, television, and telephones which would be the first to be told of the situation and what is going to be done to fix the reports of the negative side effects that have been reported.Traditional communication has come a long way from story-telling, myths, and carvings on monuments to the middle ages in which came the radio, and then onto the internet. Due to the severity of this situation and the importance that needs to be sent out in a timely manner, I am first going to call the television reporting stations within the local are as first seeing that everyone watches their tv’s and that would be the fastest way to get this information out to the public next to the newspaper company, and radio stations that would follow.Health Care Communication Methods 4 The information that was provided to the national drug manufacturer and the effects that have been brought forward are very important to us and the reputation of the company along with the health of the many American’s that take this product. The advantages of traditional, electronic, and social media have enabled us in so many new methods of communicating all in one in which technology has integrated mobile phones with internet, television, email, and text messaging all in one.These are some of the advantages that have derived from the advanced technology in communication, and are of the easiest forms of communication that is able to be seen and viewed by many people all over the world. Electronic communication is also one of the easiest ways to communicate because it lets you combine numerous media text, graphics, sound, and video all into one message. With the internet you are given the ability to transmit and receive large messages of information to and from individuals along with workgroups quickly and in a timely manner.Social media has become world- wide within today’s society and is the most commonly used websites that people are using frequently today and they include twitter, google, myspace, and the infamous facebook that is being used by people of all ages. This new era brings pros and opportunities seeing that in the past you had numbers of or contacts of how people generally got ahold of you, and today with the large part of social media here are many different levels of communication each with a specific purpose. Only you are able to limit the people that know and have your information Health Care Communication Methods 5 and can see what you post on any profile. Therefore social media has made it eas y for the national drug manufacturer to be able to become a social media website and post and information that is needed and wanted by its viewers.In this case this type of communication has many pros in the way it can send out information to people all over, targets a wide audience, effective recruitment tool, facilitates open communication, and you are able to deliver communication to the specific person it is intended for. The disadvantages of electronic, and social media is that it increases the risk online scams that seem real, possibility of hackers committing fraud , and negative comments that can be seen about the company in which they may not be true.It has become more popular to receive a telephone call, or a text message verifying an appointment or a prescription pickup and if a person has changed their telephone number or even their email address someone else is going to receive that information that belongs to another person and that could contain some personal informat ion in which the HIPAA regulation comes into effect.HIPAA also known as the health insurance portability and accountability act went into effect April of 2003 in which the purpose is to protect the patient’s privacy pertaining to their individual health information. HIPAA gives the patient the right to obtain copies of their medical records so that they are able to go over the information on it and correct any errors that they may find. â€Å"All healthcare providers are required to comply with the HIPAA privacy rule. The basic requirement of this rule is that a covered entity may onlyHealth Care Communication Methods 6 use or disclose an individual’s protected health information for treatment, payment, or health care operations or other noted exception’s as permitted or required by the rule. †(www. courseslearningsomething. com/script2) â€Å"HIPAA imposes the following limits on the situations in which employer group health plans may have preexisting c ondition exclusions and the length of time that such exclusions apply†(HIPAA and other laws, chapter 10, pg. 2) A list of pros and cons have been listed and described in the areas of communication related to traditional, electronic, and social media. In any event the privacy of the patient or individuals that may be involved will be kept according to the HIPAA law that prevents such information being given out. Health Care Communication Methods 7 REFERENCES HIPAA and other laws, chapter 10, pg. 12 www. courseslearningsomething. com/script2

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My perception on Knowledge, Belief and Evidence

If I am asked, â€Å"What besides the true belief do you need in order to have knowledge?† I would answer that in order to have knowledge I need good reasons besides true belief. Those reasons should be able to provide enough evidences that would put the belief beyond any reasonable doubt and should be aligned to the capacity of my senses. Thus, in my idea, I can have knowledge only when it becomes a ‘properly grounded, true belief'. When a question like â€Å"When do you have good reason for doubting that a proposition is true?† arises, I would answer that I could have good reason for doubting a proposition to be true, when I would have justifiable evidence challenging that proposition, to the extent of providing good reasons for not believing the proposition in question. In my view, a proposition should not have any equally potent counterpoints (i.e., credible and aligned to my senses) towards establishing its truth. And if some asks me, â€Å"Is faith a source of knowledge?† My answer will be, â€Å"No, Faith is not a source of knowledge to me. It is a choice of belief without any reasoning supported by evidence. It cannot be the source of knowledge, because I cannot make something true by believing it to be true. At best, Faith is something that I can induce onto someone under the parameters of human behavior to get a desired result – which, again, is dependent on belief backed by reasoning enriched with evidence.† Ends

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

History of London Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History of London - Essay Example As children attend school, they copy and even acquire the culture of classmates and even that of neighbors. Most of the parents who moved to London within the last 150 years have had difficulties in communication, and they make use of their children as translators. Children attending schools engage in socializing activities from where they learn and acquire new cultures. The young generation within the city of London has had its life molded on what the young people believe. In fact, they are not influenced by their parents who would want them to follow their footsteps. Therefore, there has been conflict between children and parents in the city of London. However, parents should know that they cannot influence the behavior of their children or even their actions (Museum of London). As a city, London has lost its culture because of immigration activities. London has become a host of many people from different countries of the universe making it have different cultures. For instance bei ng a Muslim in London can prove hectic for a Muslim faithful. This is because the city has entirely different ideas and those professing the Muslim faith may feel out of place or as outcast. This issue has caused many people to abandon their beliefs for those that are commonly practiced in the area. This has been the case among the young generation within the city. The result of loss of the culture within the city is the development of multicultural aspects. Many people from other continents and even other countries within Europe have found their way to London. Some of the reasons that have caused immigration are aspects of business and studies. Therefore, diversity has come up in terms of clothing, food and even language. Different foods have been brought to London and a new method of cooking adapted by the city dwellers (Museum of London). There has been an improvement in the business and trade sectors. For instance, new technologies have been brought by foreigners to the city. Mi grants would include the Chinese, American and even the Russians. This has transformed many lives within the city by making work easy and efficient. For instance, exchange of cultural aspects has seen exchange of technology that has made improvements in the transport and sector within the city. Immigration to London has also affected the social aspects of the city. As a result of people moving to the city to look for jobs, there were high levels of unemployment during the start of the twenty century that saw crime levels going up within the city. The young people have been perpetrators or victims that have been associated with crime in London. This was a result of young men and women lacking jobs within the city. In addition to this, there was poor sanitation related issues within the city as a result of many immigrants. The population within the city was large to an extent that the city would not handle all the people in terms of providing social amenities. In an effort to fight th at, institution were established to deal with infectious diseases within the city. The past 150 years have also seen a change in the medical field. For instance, physicians and other medical personnel sought to reach the whole community unlike earlier times where these people were concerned with those who came to the hospital. There have been increased levels of drug and alcohol use within the city. T

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Shinto Current Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shinto Current Issues - Essay Example In this respect, religions of the Oriental world appear to be extremely interesting for research and deductive in their heart from the perspective of their main principle of leading a spiritual life in harmony with inner and outer world. One of such confessions or rather to say ways of life is the Shinto religion. So, lets consider common characteristics of Shintoism and Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism in general and a specific contemporary state of Shintoism in particular. â€Å"Today, if you ask what religion they follow, most Japanese would say that they do not follow any religion† (Miyamoto, 2011).The same image appears in other countries of the Oriental world, for its peoples really don’t confess any religion but abide this or that living philosophy. One way or another, there is nothing surprising in the fact that all nations of the same semantically unionized area share some common traits in their believes. As it has been mentioned above, Shintoism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism advocate the same key principle of a balanced life within nature and the world. It refers to a grateful and favorable attitude towards everything of animated and inanimate nature, as any creature comes laden with a particular meaning for the world (everything has its sole). Moreover, a destiny of stones, trees, animals, humans is defined by their positively or negatively lived being, which is led by a particular way of thinking. As a r esult, souls are degenerated influenced by deeds and their effects while living. Hence, there is another common characteristic, that is, a belief in circulation of life and death, reincarnation of soul into bodies of inanimate subjects, animals, humans and gods (Bumb, 2010). Polytheism is the next common denominator of the Oriental religions, since there are numerous gods, the great people and

Monday, October 7, 2019

Do they know where they are going A Literature Review of 14-19 year

Do they know where they are going A of 14-19 year old choices in Education in Wales - Literature review Example The Welsh education system since 2004 has realized the importance of the quality of education provided to 14-19 year olds as it is a sensitive age and the students need to be prepared for college or the work place. The grooming and education that is provided at this age will define their careers and paths for the future and thus it is of utmost importance that they are provided with ample opportunities and proper guidance. The Welsh Government aims to make 95% of the youth (up to age 25) ready for higher education or the job market by the year 2015 (Hafren). This review will focus on the options available to the Welsh students at this sensitive age and how they can help the students achieve academic as well as life skills. Education for the 14-19 age groups The verb to educate is drawn out from the Latin word ‘educare’ which means to draw out. Thus, education is supposed to draw out the hidden potential lout of blank canvases that are children. The age 14-19 is the most influential age and thus it is when students can be groomed and refined to develop personalities and skills that will enable them to achieve success. According to Richard Pring, the current system of education results in many students remaining untrained and fails to provide them with the skills necessary to excel in higher education or the job market. He believes that it is important to define what education means for these age groups and what results should it provide. According to him, the 19 year olds that the educational system should produce must not only be academic but young people with various strengths and a deep thinking ability concerned about the issues that the world faces. (Pring) Richard Pring focuses on the ‘urgency of debate’ as education has emphasized only in economic efficiency and performance but not on key issues and the development of the mind. It focuses too much on economic gain both by those that provide education and those that receive educat ion and too less than the development of the mind and grooming of students into intellectual beings. The result of a system driven by examinations and results has been deterioration in the learning experience. From the job perspective as well, the system does not equip students with the required interpersonal skills and training that would enable them to succeed in the world. There has also been an element of fierce competition between institutions rather than an inclusive and collaborative mindset resulting in emphasis on programs and results to attract students rather than focusing on providing superior education and working together to improve the system. The system also lacks the professional training of teachers catering to 14-19 year olds. (Pring) Qualifications There are basically two qualification frameworks available to Welsh students, also recognized in England and Wales. The National Qualifications Framework sets out the levels of qualifications recognized by England, Ire land and Wales. These qualifications are accredited by the regulators in all three states. The NQF recognizes entry level certificates, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), GCSE, Life Skills, BTEC, NQV, A levels and International Baccalaureate among various others. These qualifications focus on academic achievements and certifications. (DirectGov, 2009) The

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4

Research Paper Example Lamb wave based SHM however relies on wave propagation, offers characteristics of efficiency and convenience and this study seeks to investigate its application. The study is significant to structural health monitoring and involved stakeholders to monitoring processes because it seeks to validate a convenient and cheaper monitoring approach towards higher survivability of structures. The study aims at investigating feasibility of application of 3D laser vibrometer in conjunction with Lamb wave technique. This will incorporate literature review, implementation of experimental and specimen design, measurement of scattering waves on used structures, and analysis of results. Numerical approach was used to investigate robustness of the lamb wave model. A validated simulation study was done using ANSYS program to study propagation and scattering of waves and an experiment to investigate propagation and scattering of waves was done on aluminium specimens with the aid of 3D vibrometer. The s imulation and the experiment identified effects of a blind hole on wave propagation and scattering. Validation of the simulation demonstrated point differences in propagation and scattering relative to position of a blind hole. ... Its significance has grown among engineers because of its ability to generate timely and accurate data on health and functionality of structures, properties that allows it to ameliorate maintainability and safety concerns (Staszewski et al. 2004). The monitoring approach detects anomalies, specifies anomalies’ exact location, and evaluates damage extent towards corrective measures, a scope that offers economic, and safety advantages. Other applications of SHM include mitigation of uncertainty, planning for schedule activities, and test of hypothesis. There are three theoretical SHN techniques, visual inspection, traditional non-destructive evaluation methods, and remote monitoring. Visual inspection involves inspection by experienced and trained personnel while traditional non-destructive evaluation applies wave propagation approaches for defect detection. The approaches are however expensive, labour intensive and complicated while remote monitoring is automated and autonomous , only requiring attention on critical conditions (Thomas et al. 2009). Lamb waves for remote monitoring, for instance, only rely on wave propagation but instrumentation and interpretation needs hinder its efficiency (Franco et al. 2008). Lamb-wave based SHM efficient and convenient for detecting metallic structure cracks and delamination and disbanding of composites (Ong and Chiu 2012). Significance The study is significant to structural health monitoring as it proposes a cheap and convenient monitoring strategy that will facilitate regular inspection for damage detection and remedies. This scope extends the study’s significance to stakeholders to monitoring processes because validating the lamb wave based method will ensure the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

ASSIGNMENT Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment Example Power can be divided into five categories. The types of power may therefore include reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, expert power and referent power. The proportions of the powers can differ in managers depending on aspects such as experience, age, expertise, skills among others. Therefore, although Bill Thompson might possess all the types of the powers, their proportion greatly differs. For instance, Yukl points out that even though the base salaries of the employees are set by the company, Bill can play a major role in influencing the â€Å"size of an employee’s annual merit rise† (521). Bill therefore possesses high amount of reward power, since he can influence the performance of employees by increasing their annual merit rise. In addition, Bill also possesses legitimate power. Bill has the ability to decide on whether to suspend or fire the employees who are performing poorly in the organization. However, he needs the approval of the regional manager to do so. This therefore implies that Bill does not possess full legitimate power since the decision to suspend and fire employees is also dependent on another person. Comparatively, Bill also has high levels of expert power. The decisions concerning the store arrangement and price assortment are determined by the headquarters office (Yukl 521), however, Bill can exercise his expertise to influence or affect the store performance to a limited extend. This implies that Bill’s expertise power is limited to his area of work. Managers could employ the use of many different tactics to influence their employees. How a manager relates with the employees could be an important factor on the success or failure of an organization. Managers can use strategies such as constructive feedback, behavior molding, and reviewing performance, among others to influence the performance of employees. Bill

Friday, October 4, 2019

Auditory Attention Essay Example for Free

Auditory Attention Essay The ability to localize sound sources is of considerable importance to both humans and animals; it will determine the direction of objects to seek or to avoid as well as indicating the appropriate direction to direct visual attention. The precision of sound localization is remarkable, particularly for brief sounds or for those occurring in noisy or reverberant surroundings. While the most reliable cues used in the localization of sounds depend upon a comparison of the signals reaching the two ears, there are also phenomena of auditory space perception which result from monoaural processing of the signals. Localization refers to judgments of the direction and distance of a sound source. Like when headphones are worn, the sound image is located inside the head. Headphones allow precise control of interaural differences and eliminate effects related to room echoes. Using two ears we are able to selectively attend to sounds coming from a particular direction while effectively excluding other sounds. This ability is particularly important in noisy surroundings or when there are several sound sources competing for our attention. Our acuity in locating sounds is greatest in the horizontal dimension, fairly good in the vertical direction and least good in the depth dimension. Aside from this ability we are also able to judge the direction of a sound source and to some extent estimates its distance. Many everyday experiences indicate that auditory localization can be influenced by conflicting visual cues. At a cinema for example, the loudspeakers are usually placed behind the screen or in its center yet the sound still appears to come from the actor’s mouth as he moves about the screen. Similarly, the loudspeaker in a television set is located to one side of the screen but the sound does not appear to be detached from the visual image. Thus, it might be possible that exposure to conflicting auditory and visual cues for a period of time may lead to an after-effect in which the localization of sounds is systematically displaced. This may occur during experiments wherein sound may be generates from one area but a cue may say otherwise and given the effects of practice and priming, experiment results into auditory localization may not be valid. Early findings on the study of orienting pure auditory attention have yielded no significant change in performance. Posner (1980) did not find any advantage in the use of auditory pre- cueing of auditory targets. Others have failed to find a benefit for the detection of sounds coming from expected vs. unexpected locations (Scharf, Quigley, Aoki, Peachey and Reeves, 1987). Buchtel and Butter (1988) found that informative auditory cues provided a benefit in the detection of visual targets; however they failed to find a benefit from cues on auditory targets. Klein, Brennan and Gilani (1987) also found no benefit in the detection of auditory targets with the use of uninformative cues using both visual and auditory cues. However, the use of auditory and visual cues together on tasks has been promising. Previous researches on multisensory instruments have found that it can optimize performance rather than using one sensory modality. Recently Duncan, Martens and Ward (1997) found evidence of restricted attentional capacity within but not between sensory modalities. They presented streams of visual and or auditory inputs containing occasional targets to be identified and recalled, for two visual or two auditory streams they found that the identification of one target produced a sustained reduction in the ability to identify a second target. In contrast, when the streams were from both modalities, there was no such reduction in the identification of the second target. The results suggest a modality-specific restriction to concurrent attention and awareness. The results of this study have important implications for the design of complex human machine interface systems. Systems should be designed to take advantage of the spatial presentation of information to the human operator to enhance the detection rate of critical information (i. e. ; warnings). This findings support Rhodes (1987) earlier work on auditory attention where he reported that auditory attention has spatial constraints. He found that time linearly increased to localize a sound as a function of distance from the point of attention; he further proposed that even for sounds, localization is shifted through logical and topographical representations. Information presented in locations where spatial attention has been allocated has both faster and more accurate response in both visual and auditory modalities (Posner, 1980, Ward, 2000, Spence driver, 1996, 1997a, 1997b). Moreover, even if there is a limited human attentional capacity the nature of spatial attention across modalities suggests that if one modality is overloaded the attentional capacity of other modalities are not adversely affected (Duncan, Martens Ward, 1997). Thus, the best way to maximize this modality-specific restriction is to present information using both the visual and auditory modalities. Flanagan, McAnally, Martin, Meehan Oldfield (1998) found evidence of the usefulness of using both modalities. In their study, they reported that visual search times were reduced when spatially informative auditory information was supplied. They used a spatial localization task in which the search for a visual target was aided by either a visual arrow or an auditory cue. They found both the visual and the auditory cues aided in significantly reducing the search times when compared to unaided search. It is however important that the visual and auditory information presented are detectable and localizable. Hence a signal should be localizable when information presented is critical (i. e. ; location of threats such as enemy fighters, missiles etc. ) and that information presented is expected in that location will improve response time and accuracy (Posner, 1980, Spence and Driver, 1996).